Designer | Avian Admirer
I have always been passionate about birds, even from when I was an infant. My mom's favorite story about me as a baby is how I would shake with excitement at seeing the parrots at the zoo. But moving on to my other love: art. I have always been devoted to drawing; I have endless sketchbooks filled with drawings and doodles. My love of drawing helped me find design. It allows me to use my passion for drawing, but it has also introduced me to new things I never thought I would like. For example, I now enjoy typography and finding new fonts. There's an elegance to the letterform that I always overlooked. I particularly look up to Louise Fili and Alex Trochut because of their use of typography. They use the letters in beautiful and innovative ways that never fails to inspire me. And, like most designers, I always appreciate a good ampersand.
If you’re looking for someone who’s a hard-working designer (who also loves birds), I'm your chick! 
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